Breast implants Tunisia | Breast augmentation by implants

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Breast implants Tunisia: What are they?

If you are unhappy with the size or shape of your breasts and are considering breast implants Tunisia, you are not alone.

Breast augmentation surgery with breast implants is the most popular cosmetic surgery.

To restore the size, shape, curve, position and firmness of your breasts after pregnancy, weight loss or aging, or to achieve a shape you never had.

Whatever reason you are considering breast implants, our surgeon will take the time to explain all your options to you during your consultation in sns practice in Tunisia

Advantages of breast augmentation surgery with implants

Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed worldwide. There are multiple benefits associated with this procedure. Among them we can cite:

Types of breast implants

There are many types of breast implants available.

Different brands and implant fillings, smooth, textured… Round, teardrop… High, moderate or low profile… Many choices to make.

Our surgeon will help you choose the optimal breast implants for your body shape and goals. He will explain all the options available to you when choosing your breast implants.

Whatever you choose, you can feel safe knowing that the surgeon uses only high quality breast implants.

Choosing the right breast implant size

Breast implants are available in a range of sizes from 100 cc to 800 cc in Tunisia. the most popular implant sizes are around 300 cc.

Choosing the right implant size for your breast shape and body contour is essential.

Breast implant shapes Tunisia

Location of breast implants

Your implants can be placed in front of the muscle, behind the muscle or in between - dual plane placement. Placing a breast implant behind the muscle results in a more natural tilt of the breast, while implants in front of the muscle often have a more pronounced plumpness and rounder appearance.

It all depends on your personal preferences, and the surgeon will be there to guide and support your decision, as each approach to breast surgery has different benefits.

Surgical incisions

You have three choices for your incision site: under the crease of your breast and more rarely, around the nipple (periareolar), or very rarely, through the armpit (transaxillary). Each of these sites has advantages and disadvantages in terms of how well they hide your scar.

The surgeon will explain the pros and cons of each incision site and answer any questions you have until you feel ready to make your decision.

Breast implant location Tunisia

Breast implants: The results

It can be enjoyed from the third month. The results are most often excellent and natural and the scars almost invisible.

Breast implant prices Tunisia: All-inclusive stay

The price of breast augmentation in Tunisia varies depending on the technique used and the shape of the implants. Thus, after an initial consultation with the surgeon, you will receive a detailed quote.

Breast augmentation with implantsFrom 2200€
Breast implants replacement mammairesFrom 2200€
Breast augmentation by lipofillingFrom 2000€
Stay 4 nights / 5 days

Breast implants in summary

  • Anesthesia: General
  • Duration of the intervention: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Recovery: 7 to 10 days
  • Final result: 6 months

See also in surgery by Implants

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