Calf implants Tunisia | Calf augmentation

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Calf implants Tunisia: What are they?

The intervention of calf implants Tunisia is carried out with the aim of enlarge calves that are too thin, commonly called rooster calves. Many people resort to this surgery because the calf is very difficult to strengthen.

Calf implants are placed inside the sheath of the muscle (called the gastrocnemius muscle) of the calf. These are most often cohesive silicone gel implants with a smooth shell. We can put 1 to 2 prostheses per calf depending on the patient's anatomy and the desired volume.

Calf augmentation Tunisia: The intervention

The procedure of calf augmentation by implant increases the relief of the gastrocnemius muscles. They are used in cosmetic surgery to create curves in the calf, or in reconstructive surgery after malformations.

Calf implants make it possible to increase the curve of calves considered too thin. Initially, the technique was first used in reconstructive surgery in cases of poliomyelitis, clubfoot, Charcot disease where there is insufficient development of the calf muscles, most often on one side but sometimes of both.

This procedure therefore makes it possible to increase the volume of the calf (but not the ankle). This nuance is important because many patients think they are increasing the volume of the ankle, which is not the case.

The scars are placed through a hidden incision in the popliteal fold (behind the knee) and measure 3 cm in length. This is the length necessary for the insertion of the implant. They are therefore extremely discreet.

What are the consequences after calf augmentation using implants?

The aftermath of the operation can be painful the first few days. An analgesic treatment will be prescribed for a few days.

The first dressings are removed after 24 hours.

Calf augmentation prices Tunisia: All-inclusive stay

Calf augmentation with implantFrom 2000€
Stay 5 nights / 6 days

Calf augmentation in summary

  • Anesthesia: General or local
  • Duration of the intervention: 1h30
  • Recovery: 15 to 20 days
  • Final result: immediate

See also in implants surgery

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